Get Involved

The Partnership offers multiple roles in which citizens can participate. Volunteers may receive a certificate of recognition for their work hours:

Shoreline clean ups

We frequently organize marsh and shoreline clean-up events, to remove trash, rubble and debris from degraded marshlands.

Control Invasive plants

Many of our restoration efforts involve removal and control of the several species of invasive and non-native plants. Phragmites, English Ivy, Japanese Honeysuckle and the native Greenbriar vine can all become invasive and degrade natural habitats.

Build Living Shorelines

Installing living shoreline designs are often used to prevent shoreline erosion and restore a healthy marsh habitat. These designs involve the installation of biodegrable logs (“coir” logs), backfilling with sand, planting native grasses, and erecting fencing to prevent predation by Canada geese.

Plant grasses, shrubs and trees

Often our restoration efforts are as simple as replanting compromised shorelines with additional native plants, to improve plant density, bio-diversity as well as natural beauty.

Planning, Maintenance and Monitoring Functions

We meet monthly to review progress of ongoing projects, identify emerging maintenance or enhancement needs of our maturing sites, and to plan for new projects or special initiatives. There are many roles that volunteers can play in the planning and monitoring of our restoration efforts, depending on each person’s abilities and interests.

Want to talk further about volunteer opportunities?

Contact Us